We offer tutoring assistance in-person, by phone, and via Zoom for any writing assignment on the following days.
Monday – Friday (9 am – 4 pm). See flyer for details.
To make an appointment, create an account via Penjiapp using your UH email.
Visit our Writing Center website, email writers@hawaii.edu or call (808) 455-0409 for more information about tutoring and our focused workshops.
NOW HIRING: Email tashawil@hawaii.edu for more information.

We offer subject-specific tutoring. See Penjiapp for subject-specific availability.
Monday – Friday (10 am – 4 pm)
We offer tutoring for the following courses this semester.
– CHEM: 161/L, 162/L, and 272/L
– ICS: 101, 110P, 111, 129, 131, 141, 170, 171, 184, 211, and 241
– JAPANESE: 101, 102, 201, & 202
To check subject-specific tutor availability, please go to Penjiapp and create an account. Select the LRC Community.
To make an appointment, create an account via Penjiapp using your UH email.
Email lrctutor@hawaii.edu or call (808) 455-0409 for more information.