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We need your help to pack books!

We are preparing for the upcoming 3rd-floor renovation later this year. This summer, the library is packing its books. The library staff recently finished packing the Reference collection. Our next objective is to pack the more extensive General collection starting June 17. We need your help to achieve our goal of packing our collections by the end of July. 

We are seeking additional hands to help us pack. Specifically, your help is needed with pulling books from shelves, placing books into boxes, labeling and taping boxes, and recording box details. Our tested packing process eliminates the necessity of carrying heavy boxes. Helpers should be able to reach overhead, lift books of varying sizes from shelf to book truck, push loaded book trucks, and fill boxes. 

See our sign-up sheet for dates, times, and details. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated!

More information about the 3rd-floor renovation project is available here. See our Library Renovation LibGuide for updates on impacts as we prepare to get this project underway.

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New Docuseek Videos

Collage of screenshots from four Docuseek titles.

Docuseek continues to add interesting new documentaries to its streaming platform. Here are just a few of the more than 2,800 titles available.

A fascinating look at the Haenyeo, female divers in Jeju Province, South Korea. These fearless women, some well into their 80s, work tirelessly year-round, diving deep into frigid and often dangerous waters to retrieve abalone, conch, and other treasures of the sea. Shunning underwater breathing devices and modern tools, their breath-holding capacity is their greatest asset.

La Paloma is one of the most frequently played songs in the world. This film traces its journey through history from its birth in the 1860s to the diverse settings across the globe where the haunting melody lives on. From a political rally in Mexico to a burial in Romania; from Nazi Germany to a wedding in Zanzibar; La Paloma has even left its mark on Hawaiian slack key guitar.

After serving in Afghanistan, an Islamophobic former U.S. Marine hatches a plan to bomb the Islamic Center of Muncie, hoping to kill at least 200 people. But what happens when he goes to assess his target and is welcomed warmly by his enemies? Interviews with the ex-Marine, his family, and members of the close-knit Muslim community reveal the surprising outcome of this story.

Equal parts repellent and fascinating, this short film is like a visual poem, narrated and set to music. Time-lapse photography reveals the natural process of food and animals molding, decomposing, and ultimately transforming into new forms. Who knew that putrefaction could be so beautiful? Even so, watching this film during your lunch break is probably not a good idea!

As a reminder, all current Leeward CC faculty, staff and students are welcome to use our streaming video services. When accessing our electronic resources from off campus, you may be prompted to log in with your UH credentials first.

Summer Library Hours & Services

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Library Hours: May 20 – August 15 Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pmHours subject to change   Upper Floor Book Collections Inaccessible after May 31st In preparation for our 3rd floor renovation scheduled mid-late fall 2024, we will be boxing our upper floor book collections this summer. The General, Hawaiʻi-Pacific, Reference, and Oversize book collections… Continue reading

Hawaiian Soul now available!

Great news! Hawaiian Soul, the award-winning short film by ʻĀina Paikai, is now available to stream! All current Leeward CC faculty, staff, and students may access the video through this link (click on the UH Streaming Videos link).

Hawaiian Soul movie poster.

About the film

Against the backdrop of the 1970s native rights movement, George Helm, a young Hawaiian activist and musician must gain the support of kūpuna (community elders) from the island of Maui to aid in the fight of protecting the precious neighboring island of Kahoʻolawe from military bombing.

More about George Helm and Kahoʻolawe

Inspirational, beautifully filmed, and featuring exquisite music, Hawaiian Soul is a must-see!

Spring 2024 Finals Countdown

Aloha Leeward CC faculty and staff!

We are about to enter our Finals Countdown period. Please encourage your students to prepare for finals at the Learning Commons. In addition to research and tutoring support, we have planned a few fun activities! 

Final Spring 2024 Success Connection Workshop

April 26, 12pm: Tips for Reducing Test Anxiety, by Virginia Yoshida, Windward CC

Full SC Workshop Schedule
SC workshops are hosted via Zoom to all UH campuses at 12 pm.
Email for assistance

FREE SNACKS & DE-Stressing Activities

Apr 29 – May 10, 8am-5pm:  FREE snacks, aromatherapy, games, freebies, & more at the library!

Finals Coundown: April 29 - May 10

Yoga with Natalie Kahn

Apr 30 & May 7, 4:15-5:15pm: Yoga with librarian, Natalie Kahn, at the Hale Lehua Dance Studio (DA 108) – located next to Kīpuka

All levels welcome! Please wear comfy clothes and bring a yoga mat, towel, and water.

Graduation Lei Workshop with Tutoring & the Library

May 8, 3-4:45pm: With graduation just around the corner, we will be offering a lei making workshop at the Learning Resource Center! Students will learn how to make ti-leaf and yarn lei. Supplies are limited–students should RSVP here:

Finals Countdown - Lei Workshop Flyer

*Snacks and lei workshop supplies are funded by ASUH – Leeward CC. Validated Leeward CC ID required.

For more information, visit our Finals Countdown page at


The theme for National Library Week 2024, “Ready, Set, Library!,” promotes the idea that in our always-online world, libraries give us a green light to something truly special: a place to connect with others, learn new skills, and focus on what matters most.

Click on the image below to get to know the library staff! By clicking this image, you can enjoy a slideshow of each staff profile!

Academic Video Online (AVON)

Looking for ways to engage your students? Our streaming platform, AVON, offers ways to leverage videos for collaboration, reflection, and assessment of student knowledge.

There are a plethora of films and documentaries available on AVON that are from around the world. This streaming video collection provides access to more than 79,000 videos covering a wide range of diverse topics you can share with your students.

AVON can be found on the Leeward Library homepage. Select the Research menu tab and click Full A-Z Databases List.


AVON is available to any Leeward faculty, staff, or currently enrolled student. Creating an account on AVON allows you to clip and bookmark a part of a video to show in class or highlight a portion of a film.


Once you’ve logged into AVON, you’ll discover a vast array of videos spanning diverse subjects such as history, anthropology, Black studies, music and performing arts, science and engineering, and more. This variety is sure to pique your interest and enrich your teaching materials.

Use AVON in your classes to see what it can offer your students! If you need any assistance please contact our wonderful reference librarians.