We Are Thankful for New Best Sellers and OverDrive Reads

Best Sellers Collection [New Window]

Click on the book’s image to place a hold in the book’s Primo record. Use the “Get It” feature to make the request.

All boys aren't blue : a memoir-manifesto Black girl unlimited : the remarkable story of a teenage wizard The color of air : a novel If it bleeds Magic lessons : the prequel to practical magic Our time is now : power, purpose, and the fight for a fair America The room where it happened: a White House memoir Stamped : racism, antiracism, and you The world that we knew : a novel

OverDrive Collection [New Window]

Click on the book’s image below to access the item’s Primo Search record. In the record’s “View Online” section, the provided link will direct you to borrowing in OverDrive [New Window]. These titles are also featured in the “Race, Civil Rights, Equality…Zeitgeist!” sub-collection [New Window].

"Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man book cover." "Just Us: An American Conversation book cover."

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man – Inspired by Emmanuel Acho’s YouTube channel [New Window], this is the audiobook format for this 11/10/20 publication.

Just Us: An American Conversation – Watch Claudia Rankine discuss her inventive and timely new book [New Window] for the Chicago Humanities Festival on 9/24/20.

Also available on OverDrive: Shuggie Bain [New Window] by Douglas Stuart, the 2020 winner of The Booker Prize for Fiction.


Looking for a book that we currently don’t have in our collection? Please suggest a book title by filling out our Best Sellers & OverDrive Suggestion Form [New Window].

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